Have you ever met a smooth mountain, a straight path mountain or a mountain without a challenging terrain? Guess what, you won’t. Just like you won’t meet those things in life. And just so you know, “life mountains” change as you’re in your climb. GPS will not rescue you when the terrain changes. (there’s no programming for your unknowns) You’ve got to re-calibrate, re-route and re-direct yourself based on life’s lessons. If you have not learned from previous lessons, you could remain lost in the wilderness. If you have chosen to discard the experiences that you’ve been gifted with, you may never find your way back to ground zero, self-improvement, progress and success.
These experiences are for building, not breaking. They are meant to build spirit, drive and determination. These “life mountain” experiences are the ingredients that make you who you are. The ingredients that make you special, make you one of one and they afford you the opportunity to grow, to lead, to teach and to support.
Whenever you encounter your “life mountains”, remember, your foundation is being reinforced one block at a time, one experience at a time. Whatever that “life mountain” looks like, feels like, you were built for it. Your foundation is solid. Worry not about the changing path, the boulders in the way or the answers that seem so far away. Keep believing, keep climbing and never worry about reaching the top, your job is to continue growing, learning and to never, ever stop!
“Life Mountains”, u can’t grow without them!
Victor M. Cunningham/2024